Port Fairy Museum and Archives Centre
At the Old Port Fairy Courthouse.
The Port Fairy Museum and Archives centre is managed by the Port Fairy Historical Society. In 1992 the Society was able to negotiate the lease, from the Moyne Shire, of the historic Courthouse building in Gipps Street, Port Fairy, which was renamed The History Centre and subsequently renamed as Port Fairy Museum and Archives.
The Courthouse is one of over 60 buildings in Port Fairy classified by the National Trust as essential to the heritage of Victoria.
The Courthouse was built in 1859, the portico added in 1869 and a further three rooms added at the rear in 1874, to make the building as it is today.
Much of the work of the Port Fairy Historical Society involves the development of the Courthouse as a Museum and Archives centre, and includes participation in the Museum Accreditation Program since 1998. The Museum Accreditation Program (MAP) is a peer review program which uses the National Standards for Museums and Galleries to provide a framework for museums, galleries, historical societies, heritage sites, and archives to achieve best practice across all aspects of operations and increase organisation profile. MAP has been managed by AMaGA Victoria (formerly Museums Australia (Victoria)) since 1993. The program is supported by a large number of Victorian museums and galleries, industry professionals, and volunteers and the Port Fairy Historical Society has been continuously accredited since 1998 with our most recent re-accreditation happening in 2018.
Our collection includes artefacts, objects, publications, photographs and other documentary materials related to our local history.
The main courtroom houses a display of the original court furniture, with figures in costume. Five other rooms contain both permanent and temporary exhibitions on themes such as the early pioneers of the district, the whaling era in Port Fairy, local shipping and wrecks along the coast.
The Museum and Archives feature both permanent and changing displays covering various aspects of our past.
Opening Hours: Summer, Spring and Autumn
Saturday, Wednesday & Public Holidays
2.00 pm until 5.00pm
Opening Hours : Mid Winter : July to September
Closed until August due to major renovations
Adults $5.00
Children 12 to 18 years $1.00
Children Under 12 Free
Please note Port Fairy Museum and Archives is NOT open on the Labour Day weekend in March. This is the weekend of the Port Fairy Folk Festival.